Let us now examine the main interventions that good seasonal maintenance can ensure. The two units making up the plant are in continuous contact with elements present in the air such as dust and, above all for the external part, pollutants and pollen. These normally settle on the cover of the outdoor unit and can sometimes affect the batteries, which are fundamental for their functioning. The same substances can deposit on the filters of the indoor unit, turning them into dangerous germ and bacteria receptacles. As a result, bad smells and allergenic factors may arise. Moreover, since the correct air circulation is hindered, the noise of the machine and the consumption of electric power would increase.
The cleaning of the filters is, therefore, an indispensable intervention to be carried out in a professional manner: the do-it-yourself method often proves to be inadequate as it is not enough to use normal detergents or disinfectants for the home; certificates made by specialized technicians at least once a year. With the best in aircon repair singapore the deals come perfect now.
Checking the refrigerant gas / checking for leaks
Leakage of the gas used as a heat transfer fluid is one of the factors that can affect the correct operation of the air conditioner. In fact, they cause a drop in efficiency in the refrigerating function of the appliance with a consequent increase in energy consumption. In other words, the air conditioner cools less than required, wasting more energy. To prevent such inconveniences, good routine maintenance involves checking the connections between pipes and welds (the points where losses occur). It will also be possible to assess whether it is possible to refill refrigerant gas.3
Checking the capacitors
The condenser is a fundamental component of the air conditioner, whose task is to condense the gas bringing it to the liquid state. The malfunction of this device leads to a considerable drop in performance which can be avoided by simple periodic checks. You should go for the good at aircon servicing for the same .
Who can you contact to be sure of proper routine maintenance?
Air conditioners are complex electromechanical devices: Any intervention on them could be very damaging if not supported by proven expertise and experience. For this reason, therefore, it is advisable to always contact specialized technicians.
It is now since the last century that the inverter technology is known, used in all fields where speed variation in electric motors is required, including that of automatic machines.
For several years, major brands such as Mitsubishi and Daikin have adopted this technology in the air conditioning sector for electric compressors.The inverter technology has two different applications, the first is able to invert the direct current into alternating current, a system mainly used in photovoltaic systems, and the second has the ability to straighten the alternating current so as to vary the voltage and frequency in the constant load engines reducing fuel consumption, a system used in air conditioning compressors.